
Showing posts from May, 2021

Post 4 : A meal or food you really like

Hello, today I am going to talk to you about my favorite food and also a bit about my diet . First, I must say that the subject of meal is something that I interest me a lot . From a while ago, that I have taken more conscience about I eat and how that affect not only me, but also other living things, and that's why that since a year ago, I started to be a vegetarian. At the beginning, it seemed difficult to make vegetarian tasty dishes and I thought that I would have to cook very different things than before, but soon I realized that when I was carnivorous often also I ate inadvertently vegetarian dishes, as “The fabulous rice with french fries” .   Rice with french fries is a food that I love, it have good flavor, it is cheap to make and easy to cook, you only need a package of rice, a few potatoes, water, oil, and some seasoning, which are ingredients that you can find everywhere. It will barely take you 20 minutes to make the rice and 15 minutes to fry the potatoes so that

Post 3 : My favourite piece of technology

Hello, in this new post I'm going to tell to you about my favourite piece of technology , or at least the one I use the most . For beginning, I must say that I have never been very friend of technology, I don't know for what reason but suposse that it's simply because no catch my attention, in fact I got my first cell phone and my first computer (that are the main technological objects I have) when I was already older , and that's why I don't believe I have any that are favorites . However, when I entered at university I started use to quite my laptop for do works and I realized that it was an indispensable tool. From then that I have used it to design through of several programs, such as Photoshop, Sketchup, Lxfree, among others, and also for doing works theoretical. In that respect, the computer has helped me a lot in my learning process during the career, and because of that I have taken affection it and even It has become one of the most valuable objects f