Post 4 : A meal or food you really like

Hello, today I am going to talk to you about my favorite food and also a bit about my diet.

First, I must say that the subject of meal is something that I interest me a lot. From a while ago, that I have taken more conscience about I eat and how that affect not only me, but also other living things, and that's why that since a year ago, I started to be a vegetarian. At the beginning, it seemed difficult to make vegetarian tasty dishes and I thought that I would have to cook very different things than before, but soon I realized that when I was carnivorous often also I ate inadvertently vegetarian dishes, as “The fabulous rice with french fries”. 

Rice with french fries is a food that I love, it have good flavor, it is cheap to make and easy to cook, you only need a package of rice, a few potatoes, water, oil, and some seasoning, which are ingredients that you can find everywhere. It will barely take you 20 minutes to make the rice and 15 minutes to fry the potatoes so that later you can enjoy this simple and delicious dish.

I believe the only defect this food has is that it is not very nutritious, however If this is served with salad it can improve. I don't think that it has negative impact on my health because I don't consume it very often, although being honest on several occasions it has saved me.
