Post 5 : A photo and its story

 Well... As you can see, today I bring you a photo, that personally I really like and I'm going to talk to you a bit about it.

This winning photograph of the prestigious worldwide contest "35Awards" in the category “Reportage Photography” was taken by Javier Vergara (independent photographer) during protests that occurred in Chile at the end of 2019, in the context of the so-called "Social Outbreak". In the image we can see how protesters protect themselves with a shield from water cannon used by the Chilean Special Police Forces.

As we well know, there are many shocking images that the revolt of October 18th left us, however, among others, this one seems very powerful to me, because it captures the exact moment in which people as a whole resist the repressive action of the police. The way in which the group of protesters covers themselves, the impact of the water suspended in the air and the way in which the Chilean flag emerges from chaos, I think it reflects the power of people in a process of change that has been violent, and the sacrifice that have made some on the so-called "front line" for the cause.

For me this image symbolizes the union of the people, the social struggle and the resistance, furthermore it captures a postcard of a great historical moment that we must never forget.
